Chinese Evergreen
Light: The older hybrids, mostly green, can take low light and grow quite well. The newer colorful hybrids need medium light and do well in an east or west window. If placed in low light, they can lose their bright color.
Water: Let the soil dry down to 1 to 2 inches before watering. They would also prefer high humidity, so placing on a pebble tray would be beneficial.

Elephant Ear Palm
Light: The older hybrids, mostly green, can take low light and grow quite well. The newer colorful hybrids need medium light and do well in an east or west window. If placed in low light, they can lose their bright color.
Water: Let the soil dry down to 1 to 2 inches before watering. They would also prefer high humidity, so placing on a pebble tray would be beneficial.

Alocasia Poly
African Mask
Light: A medium light is best. They do not like direct sunlight.
Water: Keep the potting medium moist all the time during the growing season, but not in standing
water. When the light levels are low in the winter, keep the soil a little drier. Humidity is key!!! A pebble tray under this plant is a great way to keep humidity high.

Aphelandra squarrosa
Zebra Plant

